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Pinboard bookmarks for July 2015

Published: 2015-07-31
David Edelstein
Best Spices For Grilling | The Art of Manliness
via The Art of Manliness
cooking grilling bbq recipes artofmanliness 
2015-07-02 / 9 years ago
'Mad Men' Finale: What Was Awesome, What Was Frustrating And Why It's Hard To Let Go
Well. It’s hard to write about series finales, because whatever I say here might be taken as the final word regarding my assessment of the show in question. So let me say up front: I absolutely love “Mad Men. via Pocket
madmen amc finale critique 
2015-07-06 / 9 years ago
Cube Drone - - Relentless Persistence
via Latest Cube Drone
cubedrone funny comic 
2015-07-09 / 9 years ago
F# decompiled into C# | F# for fun and profit
via F# for Fun and Profit
fsharp csharp decompile 
2015-07-16 / 8 years ago
The most important TDD rule - Enterprise Craftsmanship
In the previous articles, we discussed what causes the pain while writing unit tests (mocks), and how to make TDD painless (get rid of the mocks). Today, I want to set the groundwork and discuss why mocks actually cause so much pain to us, developers. via Pocket
tdd development 
2015-07-24 / 8 years ago
Pillars of PowerShell: SQL Server - Part 1 | Data Experts Blog | Pythian®
Tags: Avail Monitoring, cmdlet, dba, July 9 2015, MySQL, Oracle, PowerShell, Shawn Melton, SMO, sql server, SQLPS, SSMS, T-SQL This is the sixth and final post in the series on the Pillars of PowerShell, at least part one of the final post. The previous posts in the series are: via Pocket
powershell sql-server sysadmin 
2015-07-24 / 8 years ago
akkadotnet/ · GitHub
Akka.NET is a community-driven port of the popular Java/Scala framework Akka to .NET. If you are interested in helping porting Akka to .NET please take a look at Contributing to Akka.NET. via Pocket
github akka dotnet 
2015-07-29 / 8 years ago
The 50 States Of America If They Were Actually People In A Bar. California Is Perfect.
Alabama is a fat guy with a goatee, wearing a camo jacket and a trucker hat. Despite his drunkenness and outwards appearance of being a racist redneck, he is actually pretty nice to everyone at the bar. He's drinking a can of Budweiser. via Pocket
funny usa 
2015-07-29 / 8 years ago