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Pinboard bookmarks for November 2010

Published: 2010-11-30
David Edelstein
Twitter / @Matthew O'Connor:
via moving like bernie... sweet dance ...
music twitter video 
2010-11-01 / 13 years ago
StephenAtHome: Every morning when I wake up I wonder to myself, “Is today going to be the day that Lou Bega drops Mambo No. 6?” - daveedelstein's posterous
StephenAtHome: Every morning when I wake up I wonder to myself, “Is today going to be the day that Lou Bega drops Ma...
2010-11-11 / 13 years ago
srirachi group!
via ...
2010-11-13 / 13 years ago
We drink $1 billion of Natural Light a year - Kansas City Restaurants and Dining - Fat City - daveedelstein's posterous
We drink $1 billion of Natural Light a year - Kansas City Restaurants and Dining - Fat City
2010-11-16 / 13 years ago
Stop the TSA's Nude Scanners! | Demand Progress
Sick of the TSA's nude scanners? Ask your state legislators to join the movement to stop them: @demandprogress
2010-11-16 / 13 years ago
Keep Wikipedia Free - Wikimedia Foundation
I just donated to #Wikipedia. Help keep it free! #keepitfree
keepitfree Wikipedia 
2010-11-18 / 13 years ago
Verizon - Local Business Office
Please contact the Verizon local business office. 11/18/2010 7:36:11 AM Sorry, we are unable to continue your order at this time. Please try again later or contact your local Verizon business office for assistance. For Your Home Customer Service 1 800-VERIZON (1 800-837-4966)
verizon internet cable fios support call 
2010-11-19 / 13 years ago
Ahmad Bradshaw Benched for Brandon Jacobs as Giants' Starting RB
Ahmad Bradshaw Benched for Brandon Jacobs as Giants' Starting RB @mattsrealtalk
2010-11-24 / 13 years ago
Ahmad Bradshaw Benched for Brandon Jacobs as Giants' Starting RB -- NFL FanHouse
Ahmad Bradshaw Benched for Brandon Jacobs as Giants' Starting RB @mattsrealtalk
2010-11-24 / 13 years ago