Pinboard bookmarks for February 2007
u:onekGuardian Unlimited | Comment is free | I hate Macs
2007-02-05 / 18 years ago
The ads are adapted from a near-identical American campaign - the only difference is the use of Mitchell and Webb. They are a logical choice in one sense (everyone likes them), but a curious choice in another, since they are best known for the television
funny newsÂ
2007-02-05 / 18 years ago
YouTube - charleston style
2007-02-07 / 18 years ago
Someone has combined charleston with daft punk's "Around the World". Great timing!
streaming video youtube danceÂ
2007-02-07 / 18 years ago
The Other 10 Percent » BitBucket
2007-02-21 / 17 years ago
BitBucket Python Library to Amazon S3
python amazon s3 programming api libraryÂ
2007-02-21 / 17 years ago
Gizmodo's Anti-RIAA Manifesto - Gizmodo
2007-02-27 / 17 years ago
The RIAA is teetering on the edge of irrelevance, and it's our job to give it a hearty shove. They can still do a hell of a lot of damage on their way down, and that's what we need to try to stop.
drm mp3 musicÂ
2007-02-27 / 17 years ago