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AT-AT for America, The Dream: An AT-AT for America

Published: 2011-04-13
David Edelstein

One dream, One America, One AT-AT


We were once a country that made things: giantmetal cars, Hoover Dams, non-AutoTuned popular music.

But now we are stuck in an economy in limbo, surrounded by our Internets, our hipsters and our arguing politicians.

Nerds, I have a great idea to make America great again. We can show our brain power, our manufacturing prowess, our organizational skills and our geek-fueled eye for detail.

That idea: an AT-AT for America.

Now I have an idea, but no money and a total lack of mechanical aptitude.

That’s why I am hoping this project spreads like wildfire, inspiring the nerds, makers, geeks, motorheads, sportos, dudes, steampunks, Jedis, halfwits, greasers and geniuses to band together for one goal.

To build a fully fuctional, full-scale model of an AT-AT Imperial Walker from The Empire Strikes Back.*

Impossible? Perhaps. Inspiring? Of course.

The AT-AT would become an instant monument of America’s obsession with popular culture and our ability to be awesome.

I’ve already shared this idea with some of the kings of geek/make culture. Adam Savage of Mythbusters, Mark F. of BoingBoing and Make Magazine and Ken Denmead of

Now the rest is up to you. Spread the word. Get organized. We can get this done.

If America can put a man on the Moon, we can bring a little bit of Hoth to the Earth.

To volunteer to help, email

* - Yes, there’s a model at Disney’s Hollywood theme park. But it’s not fully functional and not nearly as cool as this one is going to be.