autoconf fails to build plunit
following instructions from this site:
git clone http://prolog.cs.vu.nl/git/packages/plunit.git
dave@deb5:~/prologlibs$ cd plunit
dave@deb5:~/prologlibs/plunit$ ls
autom4te.cache examples Makefile.mak README test_wizard.pl
ChangeLog install-sh plunit.doc swi.pl
configure.in Makefile.in plunit.pl test_cover.pl
dave@deb5:~/prologlibs/plunit$ autoconf
/usr/bin/m4:configure.in:6: cannot open `../ac_swi_noc.m4’: No such
file or directory
autom4te: /usr/bin/m4 failed with exit status: 1
I wish I understood enough about autoconf to see why. I do not have
this m4 file on my machine… but am I supposed to create it using
some other part of the build chain?